Kelly's Kounts Macros

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself

Kelly Mozdy

Details on the KKM Clubhouse Monthly Membership

Now, whether you're in The Shred or part of the KKM Clubhouse, you know I ask you to send in your weight graph during check-ins. But let’s be clear: we are NOT nitpicking these numbers! If your scale gives you a decimal, I want you to record it—every single digit. For example, if it says 173.4, don’t round that down to 173. Record the decimal. Why? This is about data, consistency, and getting over the emotional attachment to the scale.

If you can remove the emotion from the scale, you’ve reached what I like to call "Valedictorian Status." This is one of the biggest mindset shifts you can make for long-term success. The truth is, if you weigh consistently, you will lose weight over time, but the key is consistency—not perfection—and definitely not expecting the scale to move every single day or every week. .

I can see why coming from a program like Weight Watchers, with its focus on weekly weigh-ins, could make daily weigh-ins feel really foreign and even stressful for some. Many of my clients have shared that same experience where they would keep track of their WW points all week, step on the scale at their Weight Watchers meeting, and then immediately go out for a cheat meal or to binge on ice cream at DQ. It creates this all-or-nothing mentality, where you "white-knuckle" it through the week and then fall into unhealthy habits. That’s not a balanced or sustainable lifestyle.

What I teach is completely different—, I’m helping you become a macroscientist not a dieter. The key difference? You’re looking at the scale and your food choices as data, not as emotional triggers. By weighing daily, you collect more information that helps us see patterns over time. This is how we get the full picture of what’s happening with your body—fluctuations, not just one static moment that can lead to binge or cheat behaviors.

Now, does this mean you’ll weigh yourself every single day for the rest of your life? Of course not—just like you won’t track your food forever. But you do need to go through this process to really understand how your body works. It’s about re-educating yourself and removing the mental damage that the scale ( that "stupid plastic box") has done over the years. You need to educate yourself. 

That whole mentality that we need to eat less, deprive ourselves, and do more cardio just to see results—that’s the real enemy. I’m here to help you break free from that and develop a balanced approach where you can eat, enjoy life, and still reach your goals.

In time, you’ll see the scale for what it is—just one tool in the process, not the dictator of your self-worth or success

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